Board Candidate Application

We are  accepting Board Candidate Applications for 2024 Elections


Do you want an opportunity to shape the strategic future of Valley Natural Foods and make a difference in the health of your community? If you are a member-owner of Valley Natural Foods, you can apply to be part of our board of directors to get a chance to do just that.

Review the details below to see if this opportunity is right for you and apply in the form below.

Valley Natural Foods is currently seeking applications for its board of directors. All applications are due by midnight, Friday, July 26, 2024.

Board description
The Valley Natural Foods Board of Directors has up to nine elected members. Each board member is expected to commit to a three-year term. It is the responsibility of the board to ensure Valley Natural Foods is a successful, ethical and financially sound business guided by board governance and cooperative principles. An Executive Committee, selected by the board, includes the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Other standing committees may include growth, board development, electronic technology and owner engagement. Regular board meetings are held January through November on the last Monday of the month from 6–8:30 p.m. at the Valley Natural Foods Education Room or virtually, unless business needs require schedule and location changes. The average monthly commitment is four to eight hours, depending on the committee and project workload.

Responsibilities of the board of directors:
1. To set long-range goals and to ensure planning for the future.
2. To ensure sound management of the co-op’s resources.
3. To act as trustees on behalf of the owners.

To fulfill these responsibilities, the board of directors must focus on four key areas:
1. Hiring, supervising and evaluating the CEO.
2. Planning for the co-op’s future and approving management’s plan.
3. Approving capital and operating budgets.
4. Recruiting new directors to ensure a well-qualified board.

Other decisions regarding the obligatory aspects of the co-op’s governance system, such as the development of policies and guidelines and related matters, also fall within the purview of the board.

Expectations of board of directors:
1. To understand and promote the mission of Valley Natural Foods.
2. To act in the interests of the whole ownership, not a specific constituency.
3. To attend meetings faithfully and serve on committees effectively (4–8 hours a month time commitment, depending on committee assignments).
4. To assess their own performance as board members.

Directors receive a monthly stipend and reimbursement of eligible board-related expenses.

Election process:
All owners who are in good standing with the co-op and are not employees of Valley Natural Foods Co-op or any other grocer may run for the board of directors. Valley Natural Foods’ bylaws do not allow employee-owners, or owners who reside in the same household as a full-time employee, to serve on the board.

Note: The board reserves the right to select a slate of candidates.

An invitation to vote, along with candidate profiles, will be e-mailed to Valley Natural Foods member-owners on August 27. Newly elected board members will be announced at the annual member-owner meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

The nominating committee would like information about your background and expertise to best understand what you can offer Valley Natural Foods and what interests you about serving on the board.

Board candidates will be notified that their application has been received and will be contacted by a Valley Natural Foods board member to arrange a meeting that is convenient for both parties.