O’Henry Peaches, Oh Yes!
Special Arrival on September 1st
We’re excited for Thursday’s arrival of some very special peaches! Picked just this week and en route to our co-op right now is a one-time-only shipment of organically grown O’Henry Peaches from Barrett Orchards in Yakima, WA.
Our meat and seafood manager, Jason Harstad and his wife Jenifer have been life-long friends with Tim and Sarah Johnson from the Barrett Family. For seven years, they have enjoyed having direct access to purchase Barrett Orchard peaches annually. This year, Jason initiated a connection for our co-op to bring in these special peaches.
If you’re a peach lover, you don’t want to miss visiting our demo kiosk, anytime between 11 am-1 pm on Thursday, September 1st, where you can taste O’Henry Peaches. While tasting, please let us know what you think! Your input matters to us – do we bring them back next season, or not?
O’Henry Peaches will be offered for sale at our demo kiosk, while supplies last. They will be available first come, first serve, as we’re only getting this one special shipment.
Jason cannot say enough how fantastic they are for eating fresh, or using in peach recipes. If you happen to own an electric or wood smoker, Jason will vouch for the success of one of his favorite smoker recipes:
Jason’s Smoked Peaches
Halve peaches and remove pits. Fill each peach cavity with brown sugar and a dollop of butter. Smoke for two hours. You won’t regret it.