Celebrate National Family Meals Month!
With an aim to inspire families to eat at home together more often, we are proud to celebrate National Family Meals Month™ in September! During September, we encourage families to share one more meal together per week and we will highlight simple, healthy meal solutions to help make that happen.
Did you know that numerous studies underscore the long-term health, academic and societal benefits of consistently eating together as a family? Home-cooked meals nourish the spirit, brain and health of all family members. Not to mention, people who frequently cook at home eat fewer, healthier calories.’ Additionally, regular family meals are linked to the kinds of outcomes that we all want for our children: higher grades and self-esteem, healthier eating habits and less risky behavior.
However, according to a 2013 Harris poll, only 30 percent of American families share dinner every night. Why is this? Yes, j uggling jobs, kids and the demands of a busy, modern life often come at the expense of family mealtime at home. But, this doesn’t need to be the case. Let us be your ally—the solution to your mealtime dilemma. We are committed to helping your family eat well together to be well together.
So, as the new school year starts, we challenge you to renew your commitment to creating and serving meals at home that nourish your kids and help them flourish for life. Pledge to Raise Your Mitt to Commit™ to sharing one more family meal at home per week. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for family meals focused content. Share your own family meal experiences, misadventures and solutions within your social channels. And, remember, use the hashtag #familymealsmonth to be part of the conversation!
‘Source Note: Cornell University College of Human Ecology Department of Policy Analysis and Management: Do Family Meals Really Make a Difference?, Eliza Cook, Rachel Dunifon. 2012; Accessed August, 2017, http://www.human.cornell.edu/pam/outreach/upload/Family-Mealtimes-2.pdf
Blog Content provided by National Family Meals Month™